- Altium
Altium support files
- Altium Advanced Training 1
Altium Advanced Training SVN repository to play around
2017-04-25 at Ossur
- Arduino
General Arduino discussion, files, and development
- Art and Design
Classes and collaborations with art and design institutions
- Axiomatic Design
Resources and educational material for Axiomatic Design educators
- Axiomatic Design Papers
placeholder for all Axiomatic Design papers written at Reykjavik University
- ICAD Hosting
Organizational tools for hosting the International Conference on Axiomatic Design
- Electromechanical Art
Common resources for T-428-EMIR
- Masters in Design
Ongoing collaboration effort betweeh LHÍ design department and RU to develop a cross-disciplinary Master's program
- Raspberry Pi Art
Configurations and projects for general use in media installations
CADIA top level project to organize projects and give administrative access
- Character Territoriality: Social Spatial Reasoning for Digital Actors
This project, funded by the Icelandic Research Fund, pushes the boundaries in modeling and synthesis of social character behavior by enriching the state-of-the-art with socio-territorial reasoning and spatial knowledge. Our approach aims to make digital characters more believable as well as deepen our understanding of human social behavior. Fundamental components for character automation include a navigation system and an animation system. While these components may produce natural movement they ignore social interaction, resulting in motion that is out of place when multiple characters occupy a space. We will wrap these two components in a third one that mimics how people reason about social space. ...
- Prototyping
Place for various prototyping projects.
- Discrete Trial Training
Summer project run by Brynjar Ólafsson
- Embodied Dialog Agent for Mobile VR
Independent study project.
- Reinforcement Learning in GGP
For the final project of Dagmar, Hera, Valgarður (Spring 2019)
- Impulsion
The Impulsion Engine is a software platform developed to explore new concepts in social AI for lifelike interactive characters. It aims to improve virtual characters’ behaviors by making them act more realistically in social simulations. The platform represents a social AI engine that applies novel solutions to various types of interactive simulations and game environments....
- Inducing Phobia Response Using Virtual Reality (NSN 2016)
Sýnt hefur verið fram á að erfðaþættir hafa áhrif á taugasálfræðilega þætti svo sem ýmsa fælni (e. phobia) á borð við víðáttufælni, lofthræðslu og köngulóarfælni. Þrátt fyrir það hefur gengið illa að einangra þess erfðaþætti. Líklegt er að þessi takmarkaði árangur stafi af takmarkaðri og lítt staðlaðri söfnun á svipbrigðum þessarara taugasálfræðilegra þátta. Verkefnið gengur út á að þróa hugbúnað og þrívíddarumhverfi sem nýtir sýndarveruleikagleraugu (Oculus Rift), til að setja einstaklinga inn í umhverfi þar sem hægt verður að skoða viðbragð við ýmis konar fælni á áhrifaríkan og aðgengilegan hátt. Tæknin mun bæði nýtast til greiningar á fælni og meðferðar....
- Social Navigation
Everything related to socially aware agents navigating through a social environment. Focus on using the Impulsion framework and Unity 3D.
- Socially Expressive Computing Group
Research group lead by Hannes Högni Vilhjálmsson.
- Behavior Markup Language
The Behavior Markup Language, or BML, is an XML description language for controlling the verbal andnonverbal behavior of (humanoid) embodied conversational agents (ECAs).
- SoCueVR - Social Cue Training Game in VR
Prototype virtual reality game intended for training people in detecting social cues and how to initiate contact with strangers.
- Virtual FinTech Agent
Embodied Conversational Agent (ECA) in Virtual/Augmented Reality, using Icelandic Language Technology to help customers with various banking tasks.
- Virtual GGP Agent
Virtual agent (Unity-based) for playing board games using a General Game Player as engine
- Virtual Reality Social Training Study (NSN 2018)
NSN Project on building and testing social training in VR.
- Virtual Reality Training for Special Education Teachers
Niðurstöður rannsókna hafa sýnt fram á að notkun aðferða hagnýtrar
atferlisgreiningar hafa verið árangursríkar í vinnu með börnum með sérþarfir. Einn af lykilþáttum hagnýtrar atferlisgreiningar er að aðferðirnar séu framkvæmdar á réttan hátt.Sú aðferð sem hefur sýnt fram á góðan árangur í þjálfun á ýmissi hæfni felst í fjórum megin þáttum: Lýsingu, sýningu (modeling) og æfingu á hæfninni, sem og endurgjöf.Það að stór hluti þessarar aðferðar felst í æfingu á hæfninni getur valdið erfiðleikum í ákveðnum aðstæðum. Í sumum þjálfunaraðstæðum er ekki endilega möguleiki á að leyfa þátttakendum að æfa sig. Áhugaverður möguleiki til að auka við æfingu í þjálfun á hæfni er að notast við sýndarveruleika. Með þeirri tækni væri hægt að bæta upp vandann varðandi skort á skjólstæðingum eða sjálfboðaliðum til... - Virtual Reality Turn Taking
Final BS project on creating natural turn taking in VR.
- Computer Science
Top Level Project for Computer Science courses and projects
- Sentiments
Sentiment analysis of the culture war.
- Games Research
Repository of game related research at Reykajvik University and related activities outside of RU.
- T-722-WNMO Wireless Networks and Mobility
T-722-WNMO Wireless Networks and Mobility
Instructor: Magnús Már Halldórson
Lab: Joe Foley and Helga Guðmundsdóttir - NarrowBand-IOT
Repository for getting NBiot devices up and running
Center for Research on Engineering Software Systems (CRESS) top level project to organise projects and give administrative access.
- Icelandair
Umbrella project for all Icelandair projects
- IPIN 2018 Project
Project of T-785-IPIN 2018.
- Inventory
Inventory of items in storage and labeling system for RU and collaborators
- Laser Cutter
Lasercutters at RU
(including the one loaned from Sruli Recht)
- MySchool Support
Scripts and documentation to help working with MySchool
- Flapping wing unmanned air vehicles
To place student projects related to Flapping Wing, resources, progress of the project and etc. Yonatan and Hjalti are responsible for the project.
- Genetic Algorithm for Wing Flapping Optimization
This project was created on the 15. April 2016 for the course "Samþætt verkefni", "Integrated Project". The course was a project based course were two teams, electrical and mechanical, focused on the flapping bird created by Leifur Þór Leifsson and Hjalti Harðarsson. ...
- Micro Quad
The mission is to create a workable micro quadcopter.
- Personal
Top level project for everyone's personal projects
- Alisy
Independent Study and Master's project: Alisy (Arduino Light system)
- Joseph Foley's Publishing
Files that need to be published, such as CVs
- Samvinna Public Information
Services running on the samvinna (collaborate) servers. Public project for documentation and other user information
- beamerthemeRU
A LaTeX Beamer theme modeled after our powepoint templates.
- Green Computing
Lets make computing green again.
- Marcel's Bibliographies
Marcel's BibTeX files.
- Squirtle
The goal of this project is to create the software necessary to implement a waterfall printer (see and
URL to the Subversion repository is:
- Virtarium
A vivarium for virtual creatures.
- VON 2.0 Final Report
Final Report with src files
- Research and Development Network
Research and Development Network
A rack of machines in the basement of Reykjavik University - Reykjavik University Robotics Club
Collaboration area for RURC
- sandbox
A place to play
- Sandbox Subproject
Testing out the subproject functionality
- Science and Engineering
Top level Project for Projects and Classes in the Science and Engineering Department
- BioEngineering
Bioengineering top-level project
- RT final projects
Final projects in Rafmangstæknifræði
- Ljósastýring með 3D handskynjun
RT HVR3103 2016 Project: Control LED lights with hand movement in X Y Z plans
- RT LOK 1012-2016 Borys Niekurzak BSc
Borys Niekurzak BSc
Yaw angle measurement using inertial measurement unit - Spring 2015: Búnaður til rafmagnsframleiðslu í bauju
Hjalti Freyr Guðmundsson, small scale powerproduction in a bouy spring 2015
- RT HVR3103 2016
Hver hópur býr til undirverkefni undir þessu verkefni
- Hitamyndun í Skammhlaupsmótor
Unnið var í því að reyna sjá mun á hitamyndun í skammhlaupsmótor, við mismunandi keyrslu net.
- HVR 3003 2017
practial course third year
- RT HVR2003 2016
Projects in RT HVR2003 spring 2016. Each group makes its own supfolder
- Hönnun
Top level project for Hönnun projects and class materials
- CAD Tutorials
Tutorial files for CAD systems:
Solidworks - CNC Foam Cutter
CNC Foam Cutter, from Hönnun 2011. Work done on Student Innovation Fund Summer 2011
- Hönnun 2011
VT HUN1013, Hönnun, 2011-1
- Hönnun 2014
VT HUN 1013 Hönnun "Design"
- Precision Machine Design 2011
Masters level class in Fall of 2011 focusing on Precision in Machine and Product design
- Skyward Sword
Welcome to Project Codename Skyward Sword
You have all been given your briefing, so lets get to work. This project may be a surprise, so don't spread the word until our customer tells us more about what is going on.
Our SVN repository is at:
- Skyward Sword Announcements
Place for public information and announcements on the skyward sword project
- LeggedRobot
Legged robotics project for HönnunX 2012
- RinTinTin
Aluminum Smelter inspection robot for Rio Tinto Alcan
- Sleipnir
Race car project
- Independent Study
Independent Study projects including industry collaboration.
- Leg Press Machine
Designing a new Leg Press Machine for exercise
- Mechatronics
Overview project for all Mechatronics Classes. Will also include the instructor repositories.
- BeagleBone
Resources for configuring and using BeagleBones at RU
- BeagleBoneBlue_GetStarted
Summary, hints, trick and links for fast track starting using BeagleBoneBlue
- OpenHardwareSummer2020
A repository for summer project 2020: Open Hardware
The main emphasis is on support for BeagleBoneBlue
- Handballgoal
A mesurement equipment to measure ball speed and accuracy in a throw of a handball
- Mechatronics 1 2012
T-411-MECH, Mechatronics 1, 2012-3
- Mechatronics 2 2012
Mechatronics under Baldur Þorgilson in Spring of 2012
- Mechatronics 2 2017
Projects of the course T-535-MECH, Mechatronics II, 2017-1
- Mechatronics 2 2018 svn
Projects in Mecatronics 2 spring 2018
- Mechatronics-2 2014
Mechatronics 2014 projects
- Mechatronics1 2011
Interfacing software, electronics, and mechanical components.
- Physics
Physics research and projects
- Physics Instrumentation
Collaboration between Andrei Manolescu and Joe Foley on low-cost physics demonstration equipment
- TVD Thesis Projects
BSc, MSc, and PhD thesis projects and papers.
- Eiður Örn Þorsson MSc
Development of portable, affordable, ash measurement calibration
Also Eiður Örn Þorsson's MSc thesis. - Jón Gautason BSc.
BSc. in Applied Engineering
- Arjen Robben
Test project
- Cognitive tests
Project for the summer of 2013 where students and staff implement cognitive tests with various recording equipments, e.g. speech.
- Cognitive Workload Monitoring
Cognitive Workload Monitoring using Speech Analysis
- CWM Development
Cognitive workload monitoring using finometer data and speech data
Collection of m-files, perl scripts and sql queries - Finometer Analysis
Finometer analysis attempt 2
- Speech Toolboxes
A place to maintain and add external and well developed internal toolboxes.
- Student Groups
Student groups at RU
- Template
Templates for various Reykjavik University documents such as reports, thesis, etc.
- Thesis Template
RU thesis template (PhD, MSc, BSc)
- Topics
Projects on a general topic rather than class or group
- Hakkavelin
Defunct Hackerspace at RU
Advisor: Joe Foley <>
Chairman: Gudmundur Kristinarson <>- Hakkavelin-3dprinter
The RepRap Prusa build project. This is the Hakkavélin 3D printer project.
- How To Get Around RU
Guide to doing useful things at RU
- Safety
Documentation and tools for safety
- Software
Support scripts and information for software used at RU
Particularly: CAD, ECAD, Numerical Analysis - Utlendingur
Resources for foreigners, mostly for language
Also available in: Atom