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Hours: 404:39

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Cognitive Workload Monitoring 2013-03-19 Jón Guðnason Research Tasks #138: Sound recording 1:00 Actions
Cognitive Workload Monitoring 2013-03-24 Jón Guðnason Research Tasks #138: Sound recording 1:00 Actions
Cognitive Workload Monitoring 2013-03-05 Jón Guðnason Implementation Tasks #141: Front end processing Finished implementing Feature Warping 4:00 Actions
Cognitive Workload Monitoring 2013-03-24 Jón Guðnason Implementation Tasks #141: Front end processing 7:00 Actions
Cognitive Workload Monitoring 2013-03-24 Jón Guðnason Implementation Tasks #142: GMM implementation 5:00 Actions
Cognitive Workload Monitoring 2013-05-28 Jón Guðnason Research Tasks #142: GMM implementation 10:00 Actions
Cognitive Workload Monitoring 2013-06-12 Jón Guðnason Research Tasks #143: CWLM testing on database 3:00 Actions
Cognitive tests 2013-06-11 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Design Tasks #209: Implement "new" Stroop test Redesigning the Stroop test 3:00 Actions
Cognitive tests 2013-06-14 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Bug #210: Fix problems with current Stroop implementation Implementation left 6:00 Actions
Cognitive tests 2013-06-12 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Feature #211: Design new Stroop tasks 4:00 Actions
Cognitive tests 2013-06-14 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #213: Implement visiospatial nback test 68:00 Actions
Cognitive tests 2013-06-14 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #214: Implement display function 8:00 Actions
Cognitive tests 2013-06-14 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #215: Process organization of the n-back test 15:00 Actions
Cognitive tests 2013-06-14 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #215: Process organization of the n-back test 20:00 Actions
CNC Foam Cutter 2012-06-05 Georgios Petropoulos Research Tasks #73: Explore the issue system Click on the tab and made a new issue 0:15 Actions
CNC Foam Cutter 2012-06-08 Georgios Petropoulos Research Tasks #73: Explore the issue system 2:00 Actions
CNC Foam Cutter 2012-06-05 Georgios Petropoulos Research Tasks #74: Covert loose notes into research notebook It is going better than I had estimated 1:12 Actions
CNC Foam Cutter 2012-06-05 Georgios Petropoulos Research Tasks #74: Covert loose notes into research notebook 3:00 Actions
CNC Foam Cutter 2012-06-08 Georgios Petropoulos Research Tasks #76: Get a VPN access 1:18 Actions
CNC Foam Cutter 2012-06-08 Georgios Petropoulos Research Tasks #77: Install MatLab on computer 2:30 Actions
CNC Foam Cutter 2012-06-07 Joseph Foley Implementation Tasks #75: Fix Thingomatic.xml for CNC foam cutter Experimented with the machine .xml files and ReplicatorG 0:45 Actions
Axiomatic Design 2015-09-17 Joseph Foley Development Bug #359: Forums module not working Apparently you have to create a topic first to make the forums appear 1:00 Actions
Axiomatic Design 2015-09-17 Joseph Foley Development Bug #359: Forums module not working Tweaking SELinux settings 0:06 Actions
Axiomatic Design 2015-09-18 Joseph Foley Research Bug #359: Forums module not working Debugged the email system 1:00 Actions
Axiomatic Design 2015-09-17 Joseph Foley Implementation Tasks #360: Email list for Axiomatic Design Educators Created list on, added current collaborators 0:15 Actions
(51-75/75) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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