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Hours: 404:39

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Hvalaomur 2014-03-03 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #283: Sjópróf 3:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-23 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #286: AD söfnun Koma hljóði inn á Ra-Pi 4:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-23 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Implementation Tasks #307: Kvörðunarskýrsla Koma útreikningum inn í skýrslu 3:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-22 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Development Tasks #282: Útreikningar Farið yfir gögn, útbúið líkan til að reikna hlutfallsstuðla 4:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-22 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #306: Teikna magnararás Drawing routing 4:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-20 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Implementation Tasks #306: Teikna magnararás 4:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-19 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Implementation Tasks #306: Teikna magnararás 1:30 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-18 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Implementation Tasks #281: Kvörðun 12:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-17 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Implementation Tasks #281: Kvörðun Bæta við tíma sem Kristján ar að vinna í verkefninu. 6:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-17 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Rework Tasks #286: AD söfnun Núverandi breyta athuguð 2:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-17 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #285: Grunnvinna Farið yfir A/D breytu 2:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-17 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #281: Kvörðun Klárað að ná í upplýsingar 6:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-13 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #285: Grunnvinna Unnið í ýmsu, m.a. hitt á Kristján Gerhard og rætt um streymi 4:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-10 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #285: Grunnvinna 6:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-10 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Research Tasks #279: Útfærsla á magnara 25:00 Actions
Hvalaomur 2014-02-07 Davíð Örn Jóhannesson Development Tasks #279: Útfærsla á magnara 20:00 Actions
LeggedRobot 2012-01-26 Joseph Foley Research Financial #40: Accounting and materials tracking looking for better documentation 0:06 Actions
LeggedRobot 2012-01-25 Joseph Foley Implementation Support #36: Give me the control over the forum system. Gave Sæþór project manager status 0:15 Actions
LeggedRobot 2012-01-24 Joseph Foley Research Support #33: Problems with web browser in V109 Had vikar login 0:12 Actions
LeggedRobot 2012-01-20 Joseph Foley Research Support #27: Add rest of users to project Finished adding everyone including our newest member Víkar. 0:18 Actions
LeggedRobot 2012-01-20 Joseph Foley Design Support #33: Problems with web browser in V109 sent IT ticket, dumping response here. 0:12 Actions
LeggedRobot 2012-01-10 Joseph Foley Development Support #27: Add rest of users to project added users during class 0:15 Actions
Virtarium 2012-10-02 Kristján Oddsson Research Support #95: Make movement better 8:00 Actions
Virtarium 2012-09-10 Kristján Oddsson Research Support #90: Import the RU sun blender files in to Panda3D 2:00 Actions
Virtarium 2012-08-30 Kristján Oddsson Research Support #88: Create the virtual environment The sun has already been constructed in blender 0:30 Actions
(51-75/75) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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