



Research and Design


Types of high altitude balloons


  • Impact test
    • The name of house guard in Höfðatorg is Albert S:6618467
      He said it will be no problem if we want to drop something of the roof for testing. The height of building is 74 m. Contact him one day before we want to do the test.
  • Freezer test
  • Water test
    • We need to ask about dropping things into the pool at RU.

Release Mechanism from Seglagerðin

  • We got offer from Seglagerðin Ægir for the release mechanism. Which is two fabrics under and over the balloon with two zip on the top fabric to release the balloon 94440kr with tax, 75251kr with out tax. We are looking for lower price.

Release Mechanism Test

Bogi, Örvar and Vikar made a test on the release mechanism.
The results from test:
  • If it is windy the fabrics flap a lot and can damage the balloon.
  • The coses did not fit together as we expected so we could not zip two fabric together.
  • Have to find another way, f.x find large house and fill the balloon inside.


We may want to consider replacing the SPOT device because of it's 24h limitation and track frequency.

Alternative devices


Leifur Leifurson will let us borrow some of his batteries, but he wants replacements.
Stefan took pictures

Joe is going to order some supplementary batteries and a universal charger to supplement this. He has sent this order to Sigrun. They are not on the accounting, because it seems unlikely that they will be here in time for the launch. They are a long term investment and to help replace batteries from Leifur.

Control system

Niklas (with guidance from Joe) is working on the Arduino control system.

Updated by Joseph Foley about 13 years ago · 19 revisions