



FRDPRC Analysis

This needs to be refined into a full FRDPRC table. Explanation at
in Chapter 1, page 1-14.

Functional Requirements (What)

  1. Stay up long enough to finish the job
    1. Balloon (or lifting system) must not break during its time
  2. Fly up in the air
  3. High altitude weatherproof
    1. Withstand the cold temperature
    2. Withstand the forces from the wind
    3. Withstand the rain
    4. Resistant to bird impact
  4. Trackable
  5. Visible in the air, at night, landing, and birds
  6. Record video and store
    1. Camera lens must stay clear
    2. Display of Avatar must stay clear
  7. Land on the sea and float
  8. Withstand impact on landing
  9. Store and display the avatars
  10. Has to be transportable by van
  11. Assemble it on the launch site
  12. Test system before launch
  13. How to gracefully land after done with video
  14. Datapackage easily shipped
  15. High value components easily removed
    1. Datapackage easily removed
  16. Easy to download the data
  17. Done by the FanFest

Design Parameters (How)

1. Balooon big enough to float it up for the whole time. Durable enough to not break.
2. Lighter than air He2 or H2
3. Use corrosion resistant materials. Plastics with a glazing point below the ambient temperature.
4. GPS system for tracking.
5. Vibrant colors and reflectors. Blinking or flashing lights.
6. Record video with a camera and a memory stick. Rugged camera.
7. ,8., 13 Only the databox come down when finished. Parachute deploy when it comes down. POM plastic sphere case around it. Enough air to float.
9. Flatpanel display. Store on storage medium (flash, magnetic, wireless)
10. Volume and weight. Way to lift it into the van. Maximum dimension must be smaller than ??
11. Tools (not needed or needed). If needed have it including if we have to replace it. If disassembly after used, then same applies for landing site. Stick to general hand tools (hammer, screwdriver)
12. We can run it on the ground at the takeoff site. Well developed inspection protocol -- prelaunch checklist. Need a way to get some data off it while on the launch site. Go to launch site before and do some tests.
14. Small as possible with address on it. Prize for returning. Limit the distance and/or time so we can pick it up. Make it be the procedure to go pick it up. Really good tracking and lights.
15 Connectors between the high-value components and the system
16. Software and interfaces that can download the video at RU
17. Good disclaimer on all things and use all the time we have

Updated by Joseph Foley about 13 years ago · 2 revisions