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Sabina Huskic, 2019-03-02 17:03
Working with UMA characters¶
Starting up¶
You can find the UMA asset in the Store. Download it for free and import it into your project.
To get your first character up and running find the prefab called 'UMA_DCS' (UMA\Getting Started). Drag and drop the object into the scene. This generator keeps track of everything, lets us swap clothing and everything else. Every scene that contains an UMA character must also contain this prefab.
To create your UMA character, create an empty object to carry it. Add a component to your object called Dynamic Character Avatar' To generate your character you have to pick a race for your character. In the drop down menu you can find the base recipes for male and female characters. After you pick your race you can press play and your character will be generated.
(To see what is in these recipes you can go to UMA\Content\UMA_Core\HumanMale\Recipes\BaseRecipes. Normally you do not have to do anything in this folder unless you wish to create your own customised races.)
In play mode you can play with your character in the new component called UMA Data (script) and change the shape of pretty much every body part.
default wardrobe recipes¶
to see what kind of clothing is available i suggest you first try it out in play mode. In Dynamic character avatar (script) open the Default Wardrobe recipes tab and than in your Project files go to UMA\content\UMA_examples\HumanMale\recipes\WardrobeRecipes. Here are all the wardrobe items you can use to press up your character. Just drag and drop the item to the square.
There is an option to copy and paste the component but if you do that to your UMA characters you will probably break them. So, if you want your character to wear those cloths each time you start your game, just write down the names of the objects and than drag and drop them to the component in edit mode.
race animation controllers¶
you can easily set a default 'idle' animation on your UMA character, just set 'Locomotion' under default animation. When you press play a new Animator component will be added to your UMA.
How to turn your UMA character into a 3rd person controller character is well described in this video:
UMA + LipSync¶
First you need to have UMA2 and LipSync in your project. Than you need the blend system for them. You can get it from Window -> rogo digital -> get extensions -> and find and download UMA 2 blend system.
Open the UMA character that you want to connect to LipSync pro and add the LipSync component to it. Choose the UMA blend system and drag and drop the UMA dynamic Avatar (script) to the Avatar box below. press continue.
For setting up the poses you have 2 options. First is by using a preset you can find in UMA 2 blend system\presets and importing the package. Go to your character, in the LypSync component click on the icon(3 lines with dots on them), go to UMA 2 -> standard. And this should work for most characters. For any changes that you want to make you can do them in play mode and then copy and paste them to your character in edit mode.
Before you can play anything you have to add the Audio source component to your character and drag it to the Audio source box in LipSync. To test this out check the play on awake box and choose a default clip.
UMA + FinalIK¶
First you need to have UMA2 and FinalIK in your project. Than add a script to your UMA character (you can find it down below). to activate the script go to 'Character events' in dynamic character avatar (script) component, click plus and add the script into the box. Choose integrate method and press play.
This is the code that i used to integrate FBBIK into the UMA character when pressing play:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using RootMotion; // Need to include the RootMotion namespace as well because of the BipedReferences
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void Integrate(UMA.UMAData umaData)
//this adds the FBBIK component to your character
RootMotion.FinalIK.FullBodyBipedIK fbbik = gameObject.AddComponent<RootMotion.FinalIK.FullBodyBipedIK>();
//this will set the references for your character
BipedReferences references = null;
BipedReferences.AutoDetectReferences(ref references, fbbik.transform, BipedReferences.AutoDetectParams.Default);
fbbik.SetReferences(references, null);
//this will set the orientation of your character's limbs
Updated by Sabina Huskic almost 6 years ago · 13 revisions