



Ubuntu server install

These directions are mostly for an Ubuntu install (12.04)

PXE config

  1. Make sure that DHCP has addresses free to give to the new machine!
  2. Pick a hostname from our list at hosts
  3. Update the entry to reflect that you are using it
    1. If it has to be renamed, we need to update the reverse resolution records and send them to IT
  4. Login to
  5. Become root
  6. Add an entry in /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf before the line that says "# PUT DEVNET HOSTS ABOVE THIS LINE". Replace the things starting with my with the appropriate information. An ethernet address is a MAC address.
         host myhostname {
              hardware ethernet myethernetaddress;
              fixed-adress myhostname;
  7. If you need any aliases, add CNAMES to the /var/named/ file
  8. Restart dhcp
    service dhcpd restart
  9. Reload named zone files
    rndc reload
  10. On the machine to be installed, make sure that PXE boot is enabled and is high on the priority list
    1. (or you can choose it manually on the boot menu if you hit F12 usually)
    2. The setup menu also often lets you know the MAC address


Partitioning is a rather personal thing. These are my guidelines. If the machine has hardware raid, you should set the system partition on a mirroring set of 18GB SCSI3 drives.

  • /boot partition ext2, 256MB. Standard partion, NOT LVM
  • LVM for the rest with name same as the hostname
    • /var/cache/openafs ext3 1080MB (which is 5% bigger than 1024) labeled afscache
    • swap swap (same as memory or doubled)
    • / ext4 (the rest) labeled system

You may want to make a separate /var partition, because it often fills up with logs.


Follow the directions at

Main points:
  1. Install packages
    sudo apt-get install krb5-auth-dialog krb5-user krb5-clients libpam-ccreds libpam-krb5 build-essential dkms linux-headers-`uname -r` openafs-modules-dkms openafs-{client,krb5} libpam-afs-session
  2. Start up AFS
    sudo service openafs-client start
  3. Grab the /etc/krb5.conf from afs and install it
  4. setup ssh and sshd to use GSSAPI and delegate credentials
  5. use kadmin to install a krb5.keytab for the host
  6. put your principals into /root/.k5login to allow you to access as root remotely
  7. install denyhosts

Updated by Joseph Foley over 9 years ago · 1 revisions