




Guides    IN    SRV    10 0 389

Installing the server and basic config

  1. Install the packages
    sudo apt-get install slapd ldap-utils
  2. Include important schema files
    sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/core.ldif
    sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif
    sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/nis.ldif
    sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.ldif

    #Setup ldapsearch defaults so you don't need to keep typing them in.
    1. Open /etc/ldap/ldap.conf or create if it does not exist and add these lines
      # This file is mostly for ldapsearch
      BASE dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
      URI ldapi:///
      loglevel 256
  1. Configure database including root password (notice olcRootPW)
    # Load dynamic backend modules
    dn: cn=module,cn=config
    objectClass: olcModuleList
    cn: module
    olcModulepath: /usr/lib/ldap
    olcModuleload: back_hdb
    # Database settings
    dn: olcDatabase=hdb,cn=config
    objectClass: olcDatabaseConfig
    objectClass: olcHdbConfig
    olcDatabase: {1}hdb
    olcSuffix: dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    olcDbDirectory: /var/lib/ldap
    olcRootDN: cn=admin,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    olcRootPW: devnetsecret
    olcDbConfig: set_cachesize 0 2097152 0
    olcDbConfig: set_lk_max_objects 1500
    olcDbConfig: set_lk_max_locks 1500
    olcDbConfig: set_lk_max_lockers 1500
    olcDbIndex: objectClass eq
    olcLastMod: TRUE
    olcDbCheckpoint: 512 30
    olcAccess: to attrs=userPassword by dn="cn=admin,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is" write by anonymous auth by self\
     write by * none
    olcAccess: to attrs=shadowLastChange by self write by * read
    olcAccess: to dn.base="" by * read
    olcAccess: to * by dn="cn=admin,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is" write by * read
  2. Now we load this config into the database
    sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f

Populate the frontend directory

  1. Create top-level object in domain
    # Create top-level object in domain
    dn: dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: dcObject
    objectclass: organization
    o: DevNet at RU
    dc: Dev
    description: DevNet at RU
    # Admin user.
    dn: cn=admin,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    objectClass: simpleSecurityObject
    objectClass: organizationalRole
    cn: admin
    description: LDAP administrator
    userPassword: superuser
    dn: ou=people,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: people
    dn: ou=groups,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: groups
    dn: uid=john,ou=people,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    uid: john
    sn: Doe
    givenName: John
    cn: John Doe
    displayName: John Doe
    uidNumber: 1000
    gidNumber: 10000
    userPassword: testypassword
    gecos: John Doe
    loginShell: /bin/bash
    homeDirectory: /home/john
    shadowExpire: -1
    shadowFlag: 0
    shadowWarning: 7
    shadowMin: 8
    shadowMax: 999999
    shadowLastChange: 10877
    postalCode: 31000
    l: Toulouse
    o: Example
    mobile: +33 (0)6 xx xx xx xx
    homePhone: +33 (0)5 xx xx xx xx
    title: System Administrator
    initials: JD
    dn: cn=example,ou=groups,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    objectClass: posixGroup
    cn: example
    gidNumber: 10000
  2. Addd it to the system
    sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f
  3. Now test it. the -xLLL suppresses the schema output
    ldapsearch -xLLL -b "dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is" uid=john sn givenName cn
  4. Check to see if defaults also work.
    ldapsearch -xLLL -b uid=john sn givenName cn
  5. Permissions testing. Check if the userPassword field is present. It should not be.
    ldapsearch -x
  6. Now we use the offline ldap command slapcat, which should see the password
    sudo slapcat

Adding users

  1. Create a modified version of the information. Change this as appropriate and don't put a password. Save it to file adduser.ldif
    dn: uid=john,ou=people,dc=dev,dc=ru,dc=is
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    uid: john
    sn: Doe
    givenName: John
    cn: John Doe
    displayName: John Doe
    uidNumber: 1000
    gidNumber: 10000
    #userPassword: testypassword
    gecos: John Doe
    loginShell: /bin/bash
    homeDirectory: /home/john
    shadowExpire: -1
    shadowFlag: 0
    shadowWarning: 7
    shadowMin: 8
    shadowMax: 999999
    shadowLastChange: 10877
    postalCode: 31000
    l: Toulouse
    o: Example
    mobile: +33 (0)6 xx xx xx xx
    homePhone: +33 (0)5 xx xx xx xx
    title: System Administrator
    initials: JD
  2. Now add it
    sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f adduser.ldif
  3. Hmm, that didn't work. Let's use the ldapscripts instead


  1. install the packages
    sudo apt-get install ldapscripts
  2. setup the config in /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.conf
    GSUFFIX="ou=Groups"        # Groups ou (just under $SUFFIX)
    USUFFIX="ou=People"         # Users ou (just under $SUFFIX)
    MSUFFIX="ou=Machines"      # Machines ou (just under $SUFFIX)
    GIDSTART="10000" # Group ID
    UIDSTART="10000" # User ID
    MIDSTART="20000" # Machine ID
    UHOMES="/home/%u"     # You may use %u for username here                                             
    CREATEHOMES="yes"      # Create home directories and set rights ?                                    
    HOMESKEL="/etc/skel"  # Directory where the skeleton files are located. Ignored if undefined or none\
    HOMEPERMS="755"       # Default permissions for home directories   

    #Edit /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.passwd
  3. Now create a group! Note that you can pick your UID or GID, but you generally don't need to
    sudo ldapaddgroup ru 101
  4. Now create a user with that group
     sudo ldapadduser <username> ru

NSS and PAM setup

  1. Install the modules
    sudo apt-get install libnss-ldap nscd
    1. server: ldap:// (note that it is ldap, not ldapi!)
    2. Version 3
    3. local root database admin: no

Updated by Joseph Foley over 9 years ago · 1 revisions