




We have some copies of Matlab installed in afs under /afs/
You will need to have an individual license to use them, alas.

To setup your machine to work correctly, you will need a jre, preferably java
Useful instructions at

Install Java

  1. Goto this page and install the sun update script for Java Runtime Environment. Synopsis:
    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb debs all" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install update-sun-jre
  2. Copy the files in /afs/<version> into /tmp
    rsync -avux /afs/ /tmp
  3. move those files to a more sensible home
    sudo mv /tmp/R2012a /opt/matlab-2012a
  4. Run the installer
    sudo /opt/matlab-2012a/install

Running matlab out of AFS

If you are on the RU network (or a fast network in general) you can just run matlab directly out of AFS instead of installing. This only works for linux currently.
  1. Open a terminal and run the command:

For software admins

For preparing both architectures, read this first

  1. Download both the 64 and 32 into the same directory using the installer at By default this
    will be /var/mathworks_downloads
  2. Run the normal installer on a 64 bit machine with destintation /afs/<version>
  3. Run the installer for 32 bit and let it overwrite the files.
    /tmp/mathworks_downloads/<version>/install -glnx86

Updated by Joseph Foley over 9 years ago · 1 revisions