



How To Add Users to the Kerberos/AFS Servers

The steps in this guide should work on any machine with properly setup Kerberos and AFS clients: AFS_Clients
It is also possible to ssh login to and do everything there.

Add a Kerberos principal for the new user

  1. use the kerberos administration tool (for admin password see Kerberos):
    $ kadmin -p root/admin
    Authenticating as principal root/admin with password.
    Password for root/admin@DEV.RU.IS: 
  2. add new user principle
    addprinc -policy user <USERNAME>
  3. log off

Use the script

In the devnet project under Machines/AFSCELL1 there is a script called This takes care of most of the AFS creation opetations.
It still needs some work to be robust.

Add user to AFS and create a home directory

  1. get AFS admin privileges (see Kerberos for admin password):
    $ kinit root/admin; aklog
  2. check if you have the token:
    $ tokens 
    Tokens held by the Cache Manager:
    User's (AFS ID 1) tokens for [Expires Mar 31 01:16]
       --End of list--
  3. create AFS user (use the same user id!)
    $ pts createuser <USERNAME>
  4. create a volume for the user (20000 is the quota in kB)
    $ vos create a user.<USERNAME> 20000
  5. check with
    vos examine user.USERNAME
  6. mount the volume to a proper location
    • we will use the hashed schema with <DIR>=<FIRSTLETTER>/<FIRSTLETTER><SECONDLETTER>, where <FIRSTLETTER> and <SECONDLETTER> are the first and second letter of the user id
      $ cd /afs/
      $ mkdir -p <DIR>
      $ fs mkm <DIR>/<USERNAME> user.<USERNAME> -rw
  7. set permissions to allow the user full access
    $ fs sa <DIR>/<USERNAME> <USERNAME> all
  8. check permissions
    $ fs la <DIR>/<USERNAME>
    Access list for <DIR>/<USERNAME> is
    Normal rights:
      system:administrators rlidwka
      <USERNAME> rlidwka
  9. check if it works (switch from admin to <USERNAME> and try to create and read a file)
    $ unlog; kdestroy
    $ kinit <USERNAME>; aklog
    Password for <USERNAME>@DEV.RU.IS: 
    $ cd /afs/<DIR>/<USERNAME>
    $ echo IT WORKS > test
    $ cat test
    $ rm test

Updated by Joseph Foley over 9 years ago · 1 revisions