


Wiki » History » Revision 69

Revision 68 (Máni Ólafsson, 2012-01-26 21:00) → Revision 69/84 (Máni Ólafsson, 2012-01-26 21:00)

h1. Wiki 

 h1. Hönnun X NEWS!  

 Hi there. 

 Tomorrow on thursday at class 15:45. The library lady will teach us how to find reliable scources of info. And the notebooks grading will be explained. 

 On the tuesday in class 10:20. Gísli will have his lecture on safety. Those who have not attended this lecture, the lecture is a must! Or else you can´t join the group in some of the work. 

 The report is due this weekend lastly on monday. Try to make it professional 
 * Check the wiki for what to put in the report. 

 * On monday at 14:00 will Björgvin, Einar Snorra, Hannes, Kristján and Viktoría meet Guðfinna at Össur hf. and try out the gait lab. 

 And the Management, especially the CFO will pitch the idea to gather some money for our loving robot.  

 h2. [[Events]] 

 h2. [[Class notes]] 

 h2. [[Oral Exam]] 

 h2. [[Gait Presentation]] 

 h2. [[Research]] 

 h2. [[Useful links]] 

 h2. [[Other mediums]] 

 h2. [[Software to consider]] 

 h2. [[Report for Össur pitch]] 

 h2. [[Sites to look at for components]] 


 h2. [[Subversion]] Subversion 

 If you are using TortoiseSVN, remember to reboot after installing it. 

 Our repository is 

 Do not try to type this into a web browser, it does not work.    You will need to use SVN to access it, or go to the Repository tab on this system. 

 h2. About Me 

 * [[Michael]]