Earthdevruis » History » Version 1
Joseph Foley, 2013-03-15 14:20
initial directions for install
1 | 1 | Joseph Foley | h1. Earthdevruis |
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3 | is a high-performance linux server owned by the RU Speech Research group under Jón Gúðnason <>. The machine lives in DevNet (the development network in the RU basement). |
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5 | The main DevNet contact is Joe Foley <>. He also installed th machine machine. |
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7 | h2. Installation |
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9 | h3. Turn on PXE for network boot/install |
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11 | # Reboot |
12 | # While the machine is rebooting, hit F2 (or F1) so that it goes to BIOS setup |
13 | ## Click on system options, then networking |
14 | ## Set the network adapter to have PXE enabled |
15 | ## Save options |
16 | # Make sure that the machine is connected to the DevNet switches |
17 | # Reboot |
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19 | h3. Netboot and pick installer |
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21 | # After PXE initializes, you should get an installer menu |
22 | # Choose Ubuntu 12.04.2 64-bit (Alternate) |
23 | # You'll have to pick region and keyboard. You want to pick the Icelandic keyboard |
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25 | h3. Partitioning the hard drive |
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27 | It's a good idea to separate the operating system, home directory, and data storage. In addition, you will need a swap file and an AFS cache partition. |
28 | The AFS cache partition should be ext2 or ext3. To make this easier to manage, you should have all except for a boot partition in LVM (logical volume manager) |
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30 | # Choose manual partitioning of hard drive |
31 | # Create a /boot primary paritition of around 300MB. Make sure it is "bootable" |
32 | # Go into the LVM manager |
33 | ## Create a new physical volume with the remaining space on the drive |
34 | ## Create these logical volumes with these names and sizes. You'll need to remember where they should be mounted also. |
35 | * afscache 2GB (for @/var/cache/openafs@) |
36 | * swap 8GB |
37 | * slash 60GB (for @/@) |
38 | * home 50GB (for @/home@) |
39 | * export [Remaining space] (for @/export@) |
40 | ## Save changes and exit the manager |
41 | # In the partition manager, set these options for the partitions |
42 | * boot: labeled boot, format as ext2, mounted at /boot, set "bootable" flag |
43 | * afscache: 0% reserved, labeled afscache, format as ext2 or ext3, mounted at @/var/cache/openafs@ |
44 | * swap: swapspace |
45 | * slash: labeled slash, format as ext4, mounted at @/@ |
46 | * home: 0% reserved, labeled home, format as ext4, mounted at @/home@ |
47 | * export: 0% reserved, labeled export, format as ext4, mounted at @/export@ |
48 | # Save changes |
49 | # The installation should continue for a while |
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51 | h3. Picking server options |
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53 | This may vary, but these are probably the settings you want: |
54 | * Basic Ubuntu Server |
55 | * SSH server |
56 | * Ubuntu Desktop |