Ivona Speech Synthesizer » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Elías Ingi Björgvinsson, 2019-10-05 13:59) → Revision 3/4 (Elías Ingi Björgvinsson, 2019-10-05 13:59)
h1. Ivona Speech Synthesizer h2. Ivona speech synth service The Ivona program files are in /opt/Ivona Ivona must be running as a demon in order to be usable. h3. To see if the service is running There is a file that keeps the program id (pid) in /opt/ivona/ivonacl.pid If this file is in place the service is running. h3. Commands for service To see the pid number: _cat /opt/ivona/ivonacl.pid_ To start the service: _sudo .//opt/ivona/bin/ivonacl -D_ To stop the service: _sudo kill $(cat /opt/ivona/ivonacl.pid)_ h3. Getting results from service To get results from the service you must send a HTTP POST request with the text (string) that you want to synthesize to a PHP script that handles the request. *PHP – script* Copy of the script is in /opt/ivona/share/doc/ivona/examples/synth.php