


Final Presentation Schedule » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Joseph Foley, 2012-11-20 10:54) → Revision 5/25 (Joseph Foley, 2012-11-22 11:44)

h1. Final Presentation Schedule 

 Presentations start promptly at 12:20 in M124 

 You'll get an additional 0.1 0.25 points if you sign up for a slot by 08:30 26.11.2012! properly before you present! 
 You must fill out the line completely in order to get the credit.    This means your complete name, not just the first! 

 Each presentation should be 15 minutes including questions.    There will be a 5 minute demonstration/setup period between each presentation. 
 The format is: (time) (group members) "Name of project" 
 * 12:00 Joe Foley, Bjorgvin Runarsson "Arduino Mind Control Lasers" 
 * 12:20 
 * 12:40 
 * 13:00 
 * 13:20 
 * 13:40 
 * 14:00 
 * 14:20 
 * 14:40 
 * 15:00