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Joseph Foley, 2014-11-06 10:02
making special lab cleanup page
Arduino and Eclipse¶
The previous procedure was to install Eclipse then the AVR plugin. There is not a better system that contains all of the modules in one place called arduinoEclipse.
- Download and install 7zip if you don't already have it. You will need it to decompress the .tar.gz file.
- Install a recent Java JRE
- Download and install Arduino 1.5.6 beta or later
- Important: Make sure that you install it in a path that does not have spaces or non-alphanumeric characters. The default c:\Program Files(x86)\ will not work. Instead, install it somewhere like c:\Programs\Arduino
- Download and install the "Product" v2.3 of arduinoEclipse
- Decompress the .tar.gz into a .tar file by right-clicking and using 7Zip
- Decompress the .tar file by right-clicking and using 7Zip
- Go into the eclipseArduino folder inside. Run eclipseArduinoIDE.exe
- You will be presented with some terse instructions. I am still determining what they mean.
- click on menu: Window > Preferences
- click on Arduino
- Make sure that the Arduino IDE path is correct. Something like c:/Programs/Arduino
- expand C++ by clicking on the triangle next to it
- Click on File Types
- Add Pattern: *.ino Type: c++ Source File
Lab Cleanup Tasks¶
Lab Cleanup- Add more entries into Electronics Organization Spreadsheet
- General cleaning in the lab
- Put tools back in the stock room
- Go through mechatronics cabinet and sort items
- Test DC power supplies and throw out ones that are broken
- Call the people with old boxes in the lab and see if they are still using them. If not, clean out the contents.
Updated by Joseph Foley over 10 years ago · 17 revisions