Gait Ankle » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Kristján Oddsson, 2012-01-19 16:16) → Revision 4/7 (Kristján Oddsson, 2012-01-19 16:29)
h1. Gait Ankle
h2. Notes from Kristján.
h3. Phases from the prespective of the ankle
* Initial contact
** Neutral (90°), slight dorsiflexion. Preparing for response.
* Loading response
** Plantar flexion (10°). Function: Shock response.
* Mid stance
** Dorsiflexion (from 8° plantarflex to 5° dorsiflex). Function: Allow forward progression of tibia.
* Terminal stance
** Heel rise (doriflexion up to 10°)
* Pre-swing
** Plantar-flexion (20°). Function: Initiate knee flexion for swing.
* <Missing> (I actually missed what the guy said here, if anyone has it please edit the file and add it.)
** Slight dorsiflexion in the ankle to prepare hitting the ground again.
h1. Ankle design ideas
* Flexible sole
* Hinge joint motorized
** Possible second axis of swivel
* Springs or elastic for "natural" shock absorption
* Possibilities for more gait types than heel to toe roll