


Cad Files and number system » History » Version 9

Halldór Þorkelsson, 2012-02-02 12:40
added category number

1 1 Halldór Þorkelsson
h1. Cad Files and number system
3 3 Halldór Þorkelsson
The procedure when making a new part/assembly is the following: you check the wiki for what part number is active then you add your new part to the system under one of the category on the wiki then add a description to the part, save the changes to the wiki. This way we can probably keep the numbers in order and avoid conflicting numbers in Subversion.
6 7 Halldór Þorkelsson
Part [4]:
7 8 Halldór Þorkelsson
8 4 Halldór Þorkelsson
9 7 Halldór Þorkelsson
Module [1]:
11 1 Halldór Þorkelsson
12 9 Halldór Þorkelsson
Weldment [9]:
13 1 Halldór Þorkelsson
14 9 Halldór Þorkelsson
Raw material [R]:
15 2 Halldór Þorkelsson
16 9 Halldór Þorkelsson
Product [0]: