Meetings » History » Version 2
Hannes Vilhjálmsson, 2019-04-08 12:25
1 | 1 | Hannes Vilhjálmsson | h1. Meeting Notes |
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3 | h2. 8th of April 2019 |
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5 | * READ: Work from Chris Peter's "Embodied Social Agents Lab at KTH": (In particular on learning and groups). |
6 | * READ: "Interesting work related to the evaluation of a crowd simulation":, based on official guidelines. Question: Where do the guidelines get their model of human behavior from? |
7 | * READ: Good source of information on how to evaluate crowd/group behavior is "work from INRIA Rennes": |
8 | * QUESTION: How can we use Machine Learning (ML) to validate simulation from real world data from a specific location? |
9 | 2 | Hannes Vilhjálmsson | * INFO: We have a Student Innovation Fund grant for the summer, 2 students for 3 months. Project is focused on the validation of the simulation. "The Application": . We need to hire the students (they can be just graduated, both BS and MS level). |
10 | 1 | Hannes Vilhjálmsson | * GOAL (April/May): Set up the software and methodology for the students to execute during the summer. |
11 | * SUGGESTION (CP): We should keep an eye on the trends in AI in Europe, e.g. through reports like the "WIPO Technology Trends": |
12 | * SUGGESTION (MD): May need to formalize the environment to a greater degree to have a better chance at applying AI technologies, e.g. game environments are very well defined. |
13 | * SUGGESTION (CP): For validation the AI (ML) may really just be focused on adjusting parameters of a model that has already been constructed. I.e. tweaking the simulation/knobs to produce results closer to the real data. Not so much to alter the underlying AI of the agents. |
14 | * SUGGESTION (HV): After we have some evaluation of how close we can get with the baseline model, we continue to improve the model, with territoriality and social models getting added (CP: Realistically, bit by bit). |
15 | * SUGGESTION: We should meet with the ML people in the department, such as "Yngvi Björnsson": and "Stephan Schiffel": |
16 | 2 | Hannes Vilhjálmsson | * IN PROGRESS (CP): Presentation for "Snohetta": (top architect in the world) regarding experience simulation for an exhibit. |