


Character Territoriality Scenario - Environment Effect of Social Awarness

User documentation

- Goal: to describe an scenario fro CADIA, what movements and environmental features are relevant for social interaction

- Task, find fine grain interactions between people to recreate motion and social interaction in space. We could record motion with Kinect sensor to get some measurements of how this happens.
- We will model the physicality of socializing with body gestures in space.
- People leans towards other or away from other
- people stays close
- people stay connected by distant to other
- senses
- ears
- gait (that might synchronize)
- vision
- proxemics space towards the front and the back of the person

- The environment is defined as a corridor that has a constant narrow width and therefore forces people to be closer than necessary.
- in which circumstances people get closer to obstacles and boundaries
- study the affordances of the space, affordances of architecture.

- Following, the corridor becomes widened and people can gain more distance to each other.
- Nevertheless, people that is in group remains walking in a certain distance to people. The groups maintain their distance to be able to communicate.
