






There are no known errors on Windows.



Sooooo, yeah. Apparently Panda3D works out of the box using the Microsoft Windows emulator Wine.... After a lot and I mean a lot of building and debugging and trying to get the source code to build and work on linux the linux developers have decided to just run the project under wine.

"Could not open window" error

The following was tested successfully on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

When running into the error "Could not open window" on linux one needs to change his config file to load the pandagles display instead of the pandagl display. To do this you edit the file /etc/Config.prc, comment out the line load-display pandagl and uncomment the line load-display pandagles.

Note that the cartoon shader did not work on the linux boxes when they were added, but would work on windows boxes. This lead us to believe that it was due to these changes and changing them back resulted in the shaders working without any hiccups so far.

Black screen on startup

On Arch Linux, one of the developers had the problem of only getting a black screen when running the virtarium code. After hours of reading forums, OpenGl or Panda3D ones he decided to take a screenshot using the linux utility scrot. The attatched file 30.png shows the issue. However, a second after taking the screenshot the issue resolved leading to developer to link the two events.

If faced with a black screen when loading up the virtarium code, try taking a screenshot before trying out other things.

Updated by Kristján Oddsson about 12 years ago · 10 revisions