Wiki » History » Revision 140
Revision 139 (Joseph Foley, 2012-03-15 13:20) → Revision 140/184 (Joseph Foley, 2012-03-16 01:34)
h1. Wiki
h1. Table of Contents
# [[Wiki#Organization|Organization]]
# [[Alpha Team]]
# [[Bravo Team]]
# [[Research and Design]]
# [[Logistics]]
# [[Wiki#Media|Media]]
# [[Wiki#References|References]]
# [[Wiki#Cad files and number system|Cad files and number system]]
# [[Risk Analysis]]
h2. Important Updates
*If you have important updates please post them in the correct section
and make an announcement and put a link to it here.*
*Actually, we have a "News" tab for exactly this purpose. Please use it!*
* [[Debrief Notes for Test Launch]] can be found in the [[Research and Design]] section.
* I have moved the *Alpha Team*, *Bravo Team*, *Research and Developement* and *Logistics* sections to their own pages since the front page was getting very crowded. It should also help with organizing the information we have.
*Please keep announcements short and to the point. Remove announcements after 5 days.*
h2. Organization
This is the current modules and teams decided:
* Logistics - Þórður, Kristján
* Balloon - Bogi, Sverrir, Páll
* Camera - Guðjon, Lárus
* Platform/Structure - Vikar, Niklas
* Landing system - Örvar
* Tracking, Recovery, Electronics, Sensors - Guðjon
Industrial Liason: Halldor
[[SCRUM Information]]
h3. Financials
* Expenditure Spreadsheet (google docs)
h3. Information Technology
* Stream from the Smartphone (Samsung Galaxy)
* Shared Drive: Everyone in the class should have access to read and write to the drive
** @\\\hopasvaedi$\honnun2012@
* Email lists
** For general team announcements. Only RU members.
*** Archive
*** Administration
** For collaborator announcements. Includes RU, CCP, and Siminn members.
*** Archive
*** Administration
** For alpha-team organization
*** Archive
*** Administration
** For bravo-team organization
*** Archive
*** Administration
* Phone GPS tracker
** user:skyward12
** pass:sword
* Spot GPS tracker
** user:ccpspace
** pass:ccpspace1
* Instant Messaging System
** Setup an account at
** Then join the room
h3. Phone access
this is an account with a starting 10USD for making phone calls on this project. If it gets low, please contact Joe.
* Install skype
* user: joe.foley75
* pass: skywardsword1
h2. Contacts
Flugmálastjórn (CAA)
* Fanney Proppé Eiríksdóttir
** Móttaka
** 569 4100
* Hlín Hólm
** Sérfræðingur flugleiðsögudeild - Specialist air navigation services
** 569 4431
Landhelgisgæslan (Coast Guard)
* Ásgrímur L. Ásgrímsson
** Framkvæmdastjóri Aðgerðasviðs
** 545-214
** 860-2922
Launch Hangar
* Birgir Ómar Haraldsson
** Owner of the hangar
** 896-6070
Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands - LBHI (Icelandic Agricultural University)
* Tryggvi Eiríksson
** Sérfræðingur / Fóðurfræðingur
** 433 5215
** This guy gives us access to the freezer at Keldnaholt
h2. Media
* Skyward Sword Gallery -
h2. References
Useful Links
* [[Calculators]]
* [[Similar Projects]]
* [[Links]]
h2. [[Cad files and number system]]