Wiki » History » Revision 28
Revision 27 (Hannes Vilhjálmsson, 2015-11-06 15:40) → Revision 28/63 (Hannes Vilhjálmsson, 2015-11-06 16:04)
h1. Quick Notes h2. 6th of November * PRESENT: Brynjar, Hafdís, Ari, Steve * AI FESTIVAL Debrief ** Virtual Reykjavík was hard to show with microphone, still possible to explain *** Needed an alternative input path (i.e. text) ** Virtual Reality experiment worked well with horror stimulus (good recorded response) ** Social Path Following, people interested, demo comes with practice * UPCOMING DEMO: UT Messan (February 5th - 6th) ** Maybe update some demos, e.g. get Virtual Reykjavik with VR + avatar + character responding ** Look into better microphones * AWAY DATES: Helsinki 9th - 12th November (SLUSH) * NOTES: Keep research notebooks * NOTES: The library will help you borrow papers that are behind paywalls h2. 16th of October * PRESENT: Brynjar, Steve, Ari, Hafdís, Tumi * DEADLINE: AI Festival 2015 Scheduled for Friday October 23rd ** 14:00 - Setup in Sun ** 15:00 - 17:00 Talks and Panel in V101 ** 17:00 - 18:30 Poster / Demo Session in the Sun (with Beer and Music!) * AWAY DATES: Boston 29th-31st of October (Hannes) MIT * AWAY DATES: Helsinki 10th-13th of November (Hannes) "SLUSH": * (AWAY DATES: Paris 16th-19th of November (Hannes?) Motion in Games) h2. 18th of September * PRESENT: Hafdís, Tumi, Unnar, Ari, Steve, Brynjar * TODO (Hannes): Need to fix new student "" accounts (ASAP) * TODO (Students): Sign up for meeting with Hannes ( * INFO: Technology Innovation Fund Grant Appliation, Icelandic Centre for Research Application * INFO: Workshop with Icelandic Institute for Financial Literacy and Gagarin (last Friday) * INFO: EAP Paper presented at MMSYM 2015 * DEADLINE: AI Festival 2015 Scheduled for Friday October 23rd * AWAY DATES: Helsinki 7th-10th of October (Hannes) Aalto University * AWAY DATES: Boston 29th-31st of October (Hannes) MIT * AWAY DATES: Paris 16th-19th of November (Hannes?) Motion in Games * INFO: Access to is with user name "yngvi" and password "cadia" h2. 28th of August * TODO ** Sign up new students to this system (Hannes) * Upcoming Events ** AI Festival 2015 Scheduled for Friday October 23rd * Project Management system ** This one! Plus version control systems such as SVN (just migrated to different server, will come back into the menu here) * Messaging systems ** Zulip ( ** Facebook (group chats based on projects mostly) h2. 20th of February * Student Innovation Fund - Deadline March 4 ** VR in VR ** Procedural Animation for Purposeful Idling ** Pain management training for surgery patients ** Psychological modeling for game characters * Project Grants ** Virtual Reykjavik ** Cities that Sustain Us h2. 5th of December * Upcoming Events ** CADIA Christmas Party: Thursday 11th of December, 16-18 ** "UT Messan": : 6th and 7th of February ** Intelligent Virtual Agents: Due 15th of March ** ANIREY: End of March (20th..) ** Talk/demo for the medical sector: February (?) * Important Dates: ** Hannes in Paris 17th-19th of December ** Siewart leaves on 28th of February h2. 14th of November * People's availability towards the end of the year ** Hannes: Available - maybe short meeting in Paris in December (1-2 days). Regular vacation. ** Hossein: Available ** Hafdis: Friday 21st exams over. 3 week course. Regular vacation. ** Ásgeir: No exams. 3 week course? MS thesis work. Regular vacation (e.g. 18th) ** Unnar: Monday 24th exams over. Use 3 week period for independent study. Regular vacation. ** Stefán: ? ** Valdi: ? ** Siewart: Arrives Tuesday the 18th of November h2. 24th of October * Introducing Hossein Miri, postdoctoral researcher on the Cities that Sustain Us * Hannes will be at ACM SIGGRAPH Motion in Games in Los Angeles November 5th - 9th * Starting a page to sketch projects up for grabs (e.g. for BS projects): [[Project Ideas]] * AI Festival preparation discussion h2. 25th of September * The *AI Festival* will be on October 31st! ** Everyone needs to present research/projects as posters in the Sun ** Posters need to be ready for printing on Monday the 27th ** Use the "Virtual Reykjavik" poster as template: VirtualReykjavikPoster.pptx * Hannes will be away in the US from Sept 29. until October 17th, mostly on leave with family * Hannes will be visiting Carnegie Mellon University (the "Human Computer Interaction Institute": and "Entertainment Technology Center": October 7th-9th) * Hannes will present "Prediction in Social Path Following" short paper by former student Carmine Oliva at the "Motion in Games": November 6th-9th at USC/ICT * Postdoc Hossein Miri will be joining us in the next couple of weeks, working on the Cities that Sustain Us project * Branislav Bedí is now in Portugal and is about to defend PhD thesis proposal