


Research Notebooks » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Joseph Foley, 2012-08-23 11:46) → Revision 2/3 (Joseph Foley, 2012-08-23 12:15)

h1. Research Notebooks 

 TODO: add the scanned in examples 

 h2. Cover/spine 

 * Class Name 
 * Your Name 
 * Your Email 
 * Optional: Your phone number 

 h2. How to use properly and professionally 

 * Never tear out pages 
 * Always use pen 
 * If you make a mistake: 
 ** Cross it out but make sure you can read what was there 
 ** Put your initials on the crossout 

 h2. Each day you use it 

 * Top corner 
 ** Date 
 ** Page Sequence number:    first page for that day is 1, second page is 2.    New day starts new numbers starting at the beginning of the book 
 ** You can start with I and II if you want an index, then 1,2,3.. 
 * Last page 
 ** Draw horizontal line and sign it 
 ** Get someone else nearby to also sign it 
 ** Cross of the rest of the page 

 h2. What goes into it?    (What am I being graded on) 

 * Everything you are thinking about related to the class 
 * Information on particular assignments 
 * Things you find on the internet (printed out and staple or tape) 
 * Results of experiments 
 * Talking to people about ideas 
 * Sketches    (must have text/labels to explain what it is)