Milestone Presentation Schedule » History » Revision 16
Revision 15 (Gísli Þór Ólafsson, 2012-11-11 21:35) → Revision 16/18 (Joseph Foley, 2012-11-11 21:45)
h1. Milestone Presentation Schedule
You'll get an additional 0.25 points if you sign up for a slot properly before you present!
You must fill out the line completely in order to get the credit.
Each presentation should be 5 minutes with 2 minute question/setup period.
The format is: (time) (group members) "Name of project"
* 8:30 Joe Foley, Bjorgvin Runarsson "Arduino Mind Control Lasers"
* 8:40 Arndís & Víðir "Android and Arduino remote controlled iRobot"
* 8:47 Gísli "Line sensing robot"
* 8:54 Alexander, Bjarni, Pétur "AutoFlyFish"
* 9:01 Emil Már, Árni, Hannes, Brynjólfur "Quadcopter"
* 9:08 Sæþór "Segway"
* 9:15 Guðjón, Jón, Ægir "Head-tracking camera mount"
* 9:22 Gunnar, Guðjón, Konráð, Ingi "Room Mapping Robot Roomba"
* 9:29 Sturla Rúnarsson "Light Sensor Security Safe"
* 9:36 Axel, Elías, Ívar "Auto-Targeting Nerf Turret"
* 9:42 Aníta & Ragnar "POV device"
* 9:49
* 9:56