Software » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (Joseph Foley, 2015-12-09 10:07) → Revision 2/3 (Joseph Foley, 2016-08-31 14:02)
h1. Software There is lots of information in chapter 8 and 9. It is highly recommended that you read that section of the document first. h2. Version Control through Subversion The URL for your Subversion repository is based upon your project's URL If it looks like "" then the SVN URL is "" Notice that projects has become repository, then later svn in the URL. * TortoiseSVN (Windows Only) * SmartSVN (Windows, Linux, Mac) ** There is a free/evaluation version which does not cost anything. * Versions (Mac) * RapidSVN (Linux) h2. LaTeX LaTeX is a document preparation system that makes your papers look as though they were printed in a book. It also ensures that your math formulas and citations look right. h3. LaTeX distribution * MIKTeX (windows) ** IMPORTANT: Only install the 32 bit version!!!! * TexLive (all platforms) ** If you are using special packages such as pythontex, you must use this one * Overleaf ** Online team editing of a LaTeX document. No software installation required. Has Git interface for offline editing. h3. GUI The most full featured editor for LaTeX is: * TeXStudio h3. Reference management You may have to install a Java JDK first. * JabREF (uses Java)