Main » History » Revision 14
Revision 13 (Joseph Foley, 2015-10-27 13:57) → Revision 14/17 (Joseph Foley, 2015-12-02 10:50)
h1. General [[Marketing]] h1. Lab Cleanup Tasks [[Lab Cleanup]] [[Development]] h1. Altium Altiumlive login:, passwd: T411mech h1. Arduino and Eclipse The previous procedure was to install Eclipse then the AVR plugin. There is not a better system that contains all of the modules in one place called arduinoEclipse. h2. Reference * * h2. Procedure: # Download and install 7zip if you don't already have it. You will need it to decompress the .tar.gz file. ## # Install a recent Java JRE ## # Download and install Arduino 1.5.6 beta or later ## ## *Important: Make sure that you install it in a path that does not have spaces or non-alphanumeric characters. The default c:\Program Files(x86)\ will not work.* Instead, install it somewhere like c:\Programs\Arduino # Download and install the "Product" v2.3 of arduinoEclipse ## # Decompress the .tar.gz into a .tar file by right-clicking and using 7Zip # Decompress the .tar file by right-clicking and using 7Zip # Go into the eclipseArduino folder inside. Run eclipseArduinoIDE.exe # You will be presented with some terse instructions. I am still determining what they mean. # click on menu: Window > Preferences ## click on Arduino ## Make sure that the Arduino IDE path is correct. Something like c:/Programs/Arduino ## expand C++ by clicking on the triangle next to it ## Click on File Types ## Add Pattern: *.ino Type: c++ Source File h1. Useful links *