



Redesign Pelton turbine experiment

The project we decided to work on is redesigning the pelton turbine experiment.

Things to redesign

  • Angular velocity measurement
    In order to measure the angular velocity in the current state you need a external meter. We want to have a sensor that is connected to a industrial computer. So you'll be able to read the angular velocity on a user screen.
  • Flow measurements
    In current state you need to collect the water drained from the turbine in a bin and take the time while you do it. This contains lots of errors and water splashes everywhere.
  • Bearings
    The current design has two bearings close to each other and that is not sufficient for the bending load from the water. In order to make this better we're thinking about having more space between the bearings and maybe have the bearings on each side of the torque wheel.


Úlfar Karl Arnórsson
Eggert Sveinsson
Ásmundur Jónsson
Bragi Sigurkarlsson

Updated by Úlfar Karl Arnórsson about 11 years ago · 3 revisions