


Boston Visit 2016-06-01 » History » Revision 19

Revision 18 (Joseph Foley, 2016-06-03 05:00) → Revision 19/20 (Joseph Foley, 2016-06-03 12:54)

h1. Boston Visit 2016-06-01 

 I'll be visiting Cambridge June 1-5.    It would be nice to see some of you. 
 Here's a tentative list, tell me if you're interested or have suggestions. 
 I don't have US cellphone, but you can call my Icelandic number +354-661-7658. 

 h2. June 1  

 * 17:30 Wow Air WW125 arrives at Logan 
 * 20:00 Dinner at Mary Chungs. [[2016-06-01 Marys Mob]] Zoz may make an appearance. 
 * 22:00 packing all the stuff bought from amazon? 

 h2. June 2 

 * Free during the day.    Shopping or packing? 
 * Visit alum office to see if there are other class of 1998 events I can go to. 
 * 12:00 Lunch at Mrs. Bartley's Burgers in Harvard Square. 
 * 16:00 Meet up with Voytech?    (Tentative) 
 * 19:00 Dinner at Frank's Steakhouse at 2310 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, NORTH CAMBRIDGE 
 ** [[2016-06-02 Frank's Steakhouse]] 
 * 21:00 Karaoke (Thirsty Ear, New Ashdown?) with Kendra and Yelena 

 h2. June 3  

 * 9:30 breakfast at the Friendly Toast with seborn seborn, nickm, and nickm Ian 
 * Afternoon: meeting with DKK at google, and various MIT professors 
 * 13:30 MIT ME graduate reception at Tent in front of Hayden Memorial Library, Building 14 
 * Visit Cambridge library and look for some used kids books 
 * 18:00 Ride Evening: meeting up with Alex Jr? and the Slocum clan to stay over at their house in Bow NH.    Not sure when. 

 h2. June 4 

 * Morning: visiting parents in Salem NH 
 * 19:00 Pre-Toast to Tech BBQ 
 * 21:30 Toast to Tech, Killian Court 

 h2. June 5 

 * 10:00 DimSum -- perhaps Hei La Moon? [[2016-06-06 DimSum]] 
 * ~12:00 Visit MIT gun range 
 * 14:00 Crafting? Crafting (and drinking) with Jim Waldrop at his place at the Cambridge/Arlington border 
 * 16:30 jfmurphy gives ride to airport 
 * 19:00 Wow Air WW 126 back to Reykjavik