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Revision 7 (Davíð Örn Jóhannesson, 2013-06-11 11:22) → Revision 8/27 (Davíð Örn Jóhannesson, 2013-06-14 09:12)
h1. Cognative Tests h2. n-Back test. h3. About Under repository\n_back\About\N-Back Test.pdf is useful information about the project. We suggest you read it before embarking on the rest of the assignment. h3. Software The chosen software for this application is Python, using version 3.3.1 2.7. Modules used for the project where: - PySide, for menus visual activities. Using Qt. (not a major issue so not included currently, revise later) - PyAudio, for audio activities. - PyGame, for the visual activities h3. How to run To run the test, download python version 3 or later (preferably version 3.3.1), download the .zip file (currently unavailable), extract the .zip file in a directory of your choice. Run the ""(currently unavailable) script. The files created in the test are created in the same directory as the "" file. h3. How it works After running the file to start the program (see: "How to run") you are prompted to enter subject number from 1-99. The program then checks if the name is taken, if not taken it creates a directory in the same directory you keep the the program. If the number is taken the program prompts a question to ask if you want to overwrite the folder, choose "y" for yes and "n" for no. If "n" is chosen then the program will exit. Assuming that you have a legit file name and the directory has been created the test will begin. .....pending more information h2. Stroop h3. About The stroop test was designed and implemented by dr. Jón Guðnason, and is currently under evaluation and changes in the hands of the developers. h3. Software The program was written and is operated on Matlab.