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Davíð Örn Jóhannesson, 2013-06-14 09:12
1 | 6 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | h1. Cognative Tests |
2 | 1 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | |
3 | 4 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | h2. n-Back test. |
4 | 1 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | |
5 | 5 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | h3. About |
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7 | 1 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | Under repository\n_back\About\N-Back Test.pdf is useful information about the project. We suggest you read it before embarking on the rest of the assignment. |
8 | 5 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | |
9 | h3. Software |
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11 | 8 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | The chosen software for this application is Python, using version 3.3.1 |
12 | 1 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | |
13 | 7 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | Modules used for the project where: |
14 | 1 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | |
15 | 8 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | - PySide, for menus activities. Using Qt. (not a major issue so not included currently, revise later) |
16 | 1 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | - PyAudio, for audio activities. |
17 | 8 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | - PyGame, for the visual activities |
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19 | h3. How to run |
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21 | To run the test, download python version 3 or later (preferably version 3.3.1), download the .zip file (currently unavailable), extract the .zip file in a directory of your choice. Run the ""(currently unavailable) script. |
22 | The files created in the test are created in the same directory as the "" file. |
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24 | h3. How it works |
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26 | After running the file to start the program (see: "How to run") you are prompted to enter subject number from 1-99. |
27 | The program then checks if the name is taken, if not taken it creates a directory in the same directory you keep the the program. If the number is taken the program prompts a question to ask if you want to overwrite the folder, choose "y" for yes and "n" for no. If "n" is chosen then the program will exit. |
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29 | Assuming that you have a legit file name and the directory has been created the test will begin. |
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31 | .....pending more information |
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33 | 6 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | |
34 | h2. Stroop |
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36 | h3. About |
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38 | The stroop test was designed and implemented by dr. Jón Guðnason, and is currently under evaluation and changes in the hands of the developers. |
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40 | 1 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | h3. Software |
41 | 6 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | |
42 | 7 | Davíð Örn Jóhannesson | The program was written and is operated on Matlab. |