


Resources » History » Revision 16

Revision 15 (Joseph Foley, 2015-10-15 16:00) → Revision 16/18 (Joseph Foley, 2016-10-03 13:28)

h1. Axiomatic Design Resources 

 * What is axiomatic design?    "Wikipedia": 
 * [[Collaborators|Information for collaboration on this website]] 
 * Something needs to be improved?    Create a "New issue" to describe it. 
 * Social Media: 
 ** Facebook Group: 

 h2. Websites 

 * "Worchester Polytechnic Institute Axiomatic Design Website": 
 * "Acclaro DFSS": 
 ** Axiomatic Design software and much more.    Academic institutions should contact the company for discounts. 

 h2. [[International Conference on Axiomatic Design]] (ICAD) 

 * [[icad-hosting:|ICAD Hosting Resources]] Information for those who wish to host ICAD 

 h2. [[Educational Resources]] 

 h2. [[Publishing Resources]] 

 h2. [[Executive Board]]