Setting up Arduino with Eclipse IDE » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Joseph Foley, 2012-02-23 19:00) → Revision 4/5 (Joseph Foley, 2013-01-28 14:11)
{{toc}} h1. Setting up Arduino with Eclipse IDE Note: These directions may be out of date due to the major rework of the Arduino code in the 1.0.1 series. h2. Installing Eclipse and AVR-GCC # Install a Java JRE (or SDK if you need it for other things) ## # Follow the directions on the "Eclipse": website to install Eclipse for C/C++ ## ## If you already have a different flavor installed, you need to install the CDT configuration ## # Winstall WinAVR h2. Eclipse plugins Start eclipse before continuing. h3. Subversive (for SVN) # MenuBar "Help" > Install New Software... # Look at "Work with:" dropdown # Pick Helios or Indigo # The listing underneath should show a category "Collaboration". Expand it. # Check the box next to "Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)". If there are multiple, pick the latest version. # Click Finish # Answer all of the following menus which are mostly licensing. # Restart eclipse h3. Setting up SVN in eclipse # Click on the View icon in the bottom left corner. (It should look like a tiny window with a +) # Click on "Other..." # In the "Show View" window, expand SVN ## Now Choose SVN Repositories # More dialogs will ask what kind of SVN Connector to install. Choose the pure java version SVNKit with the latest version number. !!!DO NOT CHOOSE JAVAHL!!!! # Restart eclipse # Click on "Other..." # In the "Show View" window, expand SVN ## Now Choose SVN Repositories. A Tab should appear "SVN Repositories" # In the SVN Repositories tab ## Click on the yellow cylinder with a green +. DO NOT CLICK ON THE ONE THAT SAYS SVN! ## The window "New Repository Location" should appear ## Type in the project URL in the URL: field. This is ## Under Authentication, fill in the User: and Password: ## click on Finish # A yellow cylinder with "" should appear # Expand it and see if the files in our project appear h3. eclipse-avr # MenuBar "Help" > Install New Software... # Click on "Add" ## Name: AVR Eclipse plugin ## Location: ## Click "OK" # Make sure that it is selected under "Work with:" # "CDT Optional features" should show up in the listing. Expand it. # Check "AVR Eclipse Plugin" # Click Finish # Answer all of the following menus which are mostly licensing. # Restart eclipse h2. Installing the ArduinoTemplate # Grab the from # Unzip the somewhere # Import the files as a new AVR C++ project # Rename the project in the project explorer # Check in the rename Note, even with this template you will need to setup the AVRDUDE programmer at least once # Right click on the project and select "Properties" # Expand the AVR section on the left # Click on "Target Hardware" ## For the Arduino UNO, MCU type is ATmega328P ## For the Arduino Mega 256, MCU type is ATmega2561 ## Both: The MCU Clock frequency is 16 000 000 # Click on "AVRDude" on the left # Make sure "Programmer" tab is selected # In the "Programmer configuration" are # Click on New... ## Configuration name: "Arduino UNO" ## Description: "Arduino UNO on port PORT" Put your portname instead of PORT. This is something like COM3 on windows and /dev/ttyUSB0 on linux ## Programmer Hardware (-c): choose Arduino ## Override default port: choose the port that the Arduino is attached to ## Click on "OK" # You may have to do this for multiple ports if the Arduino keeps changing which one it uses # Click on "Apply" h2. Frequently Asked Questions h3. For some reason, it claims that it can't find @avr-g++@, even though I know I gave it right path. Why? There are a few common reasons for this, mostly under Windows: # The permissions on the folder you have given are wrong, so the program can't see the files # You have a non-ASCII character (like รถ) in the path. The easiest way to fix these are to put the Arduino (or WinAVR/AVR-GCC) files into a folder that is safe. I recommend putting them in an Arduino folder in the @C:\Program Files@.